Exclusive experience

Certain ideas are 100% our own.

These ideas lead to original programmes, which you won’t find anywhere else. They’re like Corsica Events’ AOC [protected designation of origin]…

All services provided by Corsica Events….

All set? Got the road-books for your corporate event? Ok, let’s do this!

What do you mean, where? In Corsica, of course! You know, that mysterious island said to be like no other. And for good reason… Here, on this little piece of land, you might run into a mazzeri in your night wonderings. But do not fear! This dream-hunter only uses his mazza (club) to kill wild boar. The animal’s mouth metamorphosises into a human face – that of the man or woman who the mazzeri predicted would die! But who does this face belong to? Who is soon to die? There’s only one way to answer this question: get our teams to set up a series of tailor-made challenges for you! You’ll thus have to face a crossword challenge in the Corsican language, produce a magic potion based on the flowers of the region’s endemic maquis and blind-taste Corsican produce. You might be required to try nustrale (islander) singing, like u Catenacciu, or be pitted against each other in a test symbolising the Passion of Christ. You’ll run in relays, like fleeing convicts, or build a casetta, a small house made of stone. Through these workshops, you’ll discover Corsican culture whilst being an active player in your incentive. Local personalities, sportsmen, artists and artisans will be on hand to encourage you along the way.

Corsica really is an inexhaustible source of inspiration if you know where to look and how to listen and feel it. Our service providers share our commitment to the island and are, moreover, more friends than colleagues. People in whom we have blind faith and vice-versa. Christian is one of them. He shows how much he trusts us by opening up his Genoese Tower exclusively for you. Here there are other surprises in store – each one more beautiful and tasteful than the last.
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